Saturday, March 8, 2008

Mar 8 - Promises

There is only one Promise Keeper...everyone else is a promise breaker. What great comfort in knowing that He keeps His promises. In fact, where would we be if He did not keep His promises. Recently, my children and I read the story of Noah and there He made a promise to never destroy the world again by flood. I have to wonder at the very fact that He promises us anything to begin with. He certainly doesn't owe us a promise. It is only another indication of His love for us in that while we are sinners, He cares for us.
At the beginning of today's devotion reading. F. B. Meyer says of prayer, 'many times we ask for things which are not absolutely promised.' My children and I pray together every day. I noticed that every day they would each pray and include this phrase somewhere in their prayer, "God, help us to have a good day today." Last week, I said to them that I wanted them to think about what they each meant by that phrase "a good day" and then we would talk about it later that night during devotions.
Each of us prays along those lines...the 'having a good day' prayer...but what does it mean exactly? Are we asking God to give us all that we want that day? Are we being shallow and hoping He'll save the best parking spots for us, etc.? Are we being righteous and hoping we don't sin all day? Are we being servants and wanting to 'do good' all through the day? When we pray for a 'good day' are we praying God's promises? In truth, all of our days are good...each are numbered along with the strands of our hair. Each day from Him is a good day. How we see the day or interpret the day is negotiable, but that they are good is not questionable.
God doesn't change...another promise from God. We change. We are fickel. Our tastebuds change and our taste in clothes change. Our habits change and our hobbies change. Our priorities change. But God never changes.
God is so full of promises...great promises of love toward us...but how can we pray and receive the promises that we don't know about? We must first produce the promise...meaning, "Look, here, God. You say in Your Word that You will never leave me nor forsake me. I claim the fullfillment of that promise right this very moment of discouragement. I call out to anyone who can hear me that my God will not leave me alone here...I cannot see Him but He is here."
Sisters, we are only here for a "moment"...and, truth be told, we are pressed on all sides for a be squeezed until all that is left is what is pure ...what is true.
I hope that you are all blessed with a wonderful day of rest tormorrow.
I also hope that Jalamadreamer posts her Sunday tidbit...I do look forward to her Sabbath reflections on Streams.

1 comment:

Edie Guess said...

I am going to have that discussion with my kids during devotions tomorrow night - I look foreward to finding out what they mean with their "have a good day" prayers. I know mine usually follow more along the "save the best parking spots for me" line. Thanks for the current applications.