Tuesday, April 8, 2008

April 8 - Thorns in the Flesh

“Shew me that I have climbed to Thee by the path of pain.

:Shew me that my tears have made my rainbow.”

-George Matheson

What is at the end of your rainbow?

A cloud or a pot of gold?

1 comment:

MARCHELLE www.CandyWrap.Jamberry.com said...

I cannot tell you how often reading "Streams in the Desert" I have visual images dance through my head. I do my best to sketch out what I see in my thoughts but somehow they don't translate as well...
Think about sketching in your Streams when you read your devotion...it is a good time to be pensive and reflect on the reading. Being a visual learner, it also helps me to recall the passage to mind later in the day (my memory being so poor these days).