Sunday, November 25, 2007

November 25 - Don't Stop Believing!

This passage in 2 Kings 13:18-19 is new to me. Here is Elisha on his death bed, ready and willing (through God) to deliver Syria into the kings hands, and the king demonstrates his faith for what it is...small faith. How embarrasing.

How often do I become proud in my faith? I think i am doing well--praying, reading the Bible, serving God, etc. How humbling to think that I am not even accomplishing half of what He could have me do. My faith is limited by my own doubt. I have faith that can move mountains...but I don't even attempt to climb the mountain, much less move it.

God, increase my faith! Use me and sharpen me as a tool wielded by Your hand. Do not let me stand in my way--Get me out of myself to believe and act in the fullness of faith. Use me exceedingly; use me abundantly, use me above all that I would impose as my "so called" ability. You are able to do!


Edie Guess said...

My faith is so small and I still find myself trying to put GOD in my small little box - AS IF! God has so much in store for us and so much HE wants to do through us and we let ourselves get in the way. HE wants us to be fully HIS and wants us to stop trying to take control of situations. I keep thinking that GOD is doing so much in and through me - BUT He wants to do so much more, which is totally overwhelming to me! Help me to be FULLY His!

Michelle said...

I was not familiar with this passage either--I read that passage 3 or 4 times and I still don't get it. I am enjoying the book though. :) I always want to take control of situations. It is hard for me to trust in Him implicitly.


Over thinker :0)
From what I gather, King Jehoash came to Elisha on his deathbed and pays him a compliment that Elisha had previously given Elijah. Then Elisha tells the king to open the east window which would have opened toward the region controlled by Syria. Elisha has the king go through some actions to symbolize a prophesy that the king will fullfill. My Bible note says that "somehow Jehoash failed to perceive the inner meaning of what the prophet was urging him to do. Elisha considered that Jehoash was clearly guilty for his lack of enthusiasm.
He was probably going through the motions half-heartedly and Elisha could, he got a partial blessing instead of the full monte. Something we can all relate to I'm afraid.


ummm...I should have ended quote after the word enthusiasm. My bible note does not mention anything about the full monty

Michelle said...

thanks for that, my bible didn't have any commentary. full monty, very funny.